...and I'm not going out. Instead of this, I'm sitting in front of my laptop, having a cup of tea next to me and listening - more or less voluntairily - to the noises in this house. There a lot of other people who also prefer to spend their Friday night at home - listening to very annoying music very loudly, shouting, hooting an the likes.I can still enjoy Fever Ray though :)Oh, by the way, the steam ironing continued today. Here's pictorial proof!I'm trough with all the fabric, my arm does not hurt and yes, I did it all on my own accord - although Cao offered to take over from me.
We [Cao and me] are now having quite a fun task ahead of us: Shopping for the costume rental. In recent weeks, quite a large amount of people has been asking for dirndls and lederhosen. We just didn't have enough of that [and neither of white aprons without a bib] or not in the desired sizes, so the two of us will raid the stores tomorrow...It should be fun :DAfter that, we'll go out at night...and my Beloved One is coming here again *_*One last thing, before I switch of the laptop and go to bed with my book:You might have noticed the Dshini-Banner below my blog's title. One click a day would be very kind. Yes, I know, it's just another kitchen appliance - but I want it :DHave a wonderful start into the weekend everyone! ♥
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