
Weekend and other things.

Hi there :)

I went home over the weekend, as I wanted to see my boyfriend [and yet again, we didn't manage to take photos of us^^] and had forgotten some things in Leipzig - for example a rain jacket, which I will probably need this week.
The weather forecast wasn't really a nice one in this respect.
I took some things home, mostly - the fabrics from the scrap container. So, here is my yield:
They will all become tubes for new hair pieces...

...those ones hair accessoires...
...and those two batches are to become new tops, skirts and the likes for me.As soon as I have a serger, that ist, as my "ordinary" sewing machine is not able to properly deal with jersey and other elastic materials.

I brought about 5kg of books from home or borrowed them - yes, I do indeed intent to get through them [again] within the remaining 3 weeks until the new semester starts.
In Leipzig I discovered a few things I wanted to show you.

First up: aaaaaadvertising. Let's see how long it will take until CombiChrist are having their songs played on MTV xD
Anyway, I love their music.

Secondly, we unfortunately missed this exhibition.
Why do I always only notice great exhibitions when they are almost over already? I won't be at home this weekend, so no visit to the museum for me/us. Now, why am I sad to having missed out on an exhibition about owls? Well: I sometimes call my boyfriend "owl" [fondly of course]. So for me, it would have been funny to go to this exhibition with him. But well; next time maybe.

Aaaand I've got a new flatmate since last night :D
I asked Nico for something small and cuddly, which I can have with me instead of him - well here it is: A little devil. No, my boyfriend is not a devil. He's wonderful. *_*

So long :)

3 Kommentare:

  1. ahhhh combichrist goes mtv?warum zur hölle?aber nun gut...sie sind schon massentauglicher als manch andere band.auf die verwertung der stoffe bin ich gespannt.GO!;)
    btw....devil´s are wonderful

  2. Wow so many books, so little time *lol*
    Btw. you could have been safed from bringing Sophies Welt... I have a copy here, too ;)

    Hmm, Combichrist on MTV? Would be a nice change *lol* time to get rid of all the other pop music...

    Aww, that little devil is cute. Life would be sooo lonely without our little plushy friends sometimes ;)

  3. so viele schöne stoffe *_* da fällt mir ein, ich muss meinen schrank ma wieder aufräumen XD
    combichrist auf nem plakat. hm. gabs ja auch schon von blutengel....aber komisch isses trotzdem XD
